Italy is one of the largest producing countries of olive oil, yet according to Coldiretti, 2 out of 3 bottles that arrive on our tables are not of Italian origin.
In fact, many companies… some of which also have a prestigious brand… for greater market competitiveness, buy oil in bulk from other countries (Tunisia, Spain, Morocco, etc.), bottle it in their Italian factories and then sell that bottle as a national product.
Today, however, it is possible to counter this phenomenon and reverse the statistics.
Such as? Simply by reading the label.
Always check the origin of your purchase and do not trust only the brand anymore and if on the label you find written "blend of community or extra-community olive oils"... don't buy it anymore... of Italian in that bottle there is only the place where it was bottled...
Choose and consume only 100% Italian extra virgin... you will have all the Italian quality guaranteed at the origin and at the same time you will help the economy of many small national producers.